Friday, June 12, 2009

Balance life?!

So . . . the million dollar question is, "Is it possible to find balance when you've got a million and one things to do?" Well, it depends on how you define the word balance. I mean, if you think that everyday is going to run smoothly, you'll have it together all the time, and you'll be perfectly organized 100% of the time. Then, no, you won't find balance . . . at least, not the kind I am referring to.

Although I don't have the perfect answer (no one does), I'll give it my best shot. I think it means having equilibrium, harmony, and stability in your life; essentially, not living in extremes. Does that make sense? You see, I don't believe that it's possible to live life without experiencing some setbacks, chaos, and struggles. It's inevitable that life will throw you some curve balls sometimes. You may as well condition your mind to accept that. However, you don't have to concede defeat and become resigned to live an out-of-balance life.

Consider this. There's a fundamental difference between going through a chaotic situation, and living in a perpetual state of chaos. Now I know that, none of us can always control our circumstances, but we do have power over our attitudes and behaviors. That's why it's essential to seek God daily for His peace and direction.

You may be wondering where I am going with all of this. I'll tell you. I want to see you live the life that God has predestined for you, before the foundation of the world. But, in order to do that, you have to get your house in order. I don't mean just washing the dishes and vacuuming the floors. I am talking about every aspect of your life; Spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical.
Eliminate excuses in your life. Become resolved to do what God has called you to do with singleness of purpose. Get focused. Get in position to lay hold of His promises that He has spoken over your life. Ask Him to help you prioritize your life, so that nothing goes lacking.

If you have children, spend time with them. If you're married, make time for your husband. If you're an entrepreneur, invest the appropriate time in the development of your business. If you're a career woman, take time to educate yourself, so that you can continue to be competitive in the workplace. It matters not what your station in life is, you have the power to grow and excel if you're willing to persistently pursue your purpose. I believe in you.

So, make a commitment today, to find balance in your life. Do more praying and meditating, reading and studying God's word, praising and worshiping. Why? Because when you devote yourself to the Lord, everything else will begin to fall in place. You'll be a better mom. A better friend. A better wife. A better employer. A better employee. An all around better woman. I guarantee it.

Matthew 6:33 in the Contemporary English Version says, "But more than anything else, put God's work first and do what He wants. Then the other things will be yours as well."

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