Saturday, May 2, 2009

I found the best Japanese restaurant in our New Plymouth trip. The restaurant called Shusi Ninja.
I love to take picture with the food I like. Look at this plate, such a large plate with all kinds of shusi. There are tempura, sashimi, and of course shusi. There are so yummy!! And it is on very good presentation.

We ordered a set manu for two called Emperor Special, which have chicken, tuna, beef and scallops, ect. We feel like we have been treated as emperor. We are so full after eating all these. What a satisfied dinner we have in our life!

We had a great time on the night, even though we were so tired after whole day driving.

Shusi Ninja is my favourite Japanese restaurant.

1 comment:

  1. 好的开始是成功的一半,你终于开始了自己的部落格,好好经营它吧,加油了。
